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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Re(Cover) Recap

Take a trip to the Moose Exchange on West Main Street and walk upstairs and you will never think about Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon the same way again. That's my personal fav from the very fun "Cover of a Cover" exhibit in the Moose's Stairwell Gallery that's up through Nov. 10. The cool show is sponsored by Endless Records in the Exchange. Bloomsburg University art major Brittney Logan, interning at the Moose, helped publicize the show, and is shown with her Heavy D re-cover.
Here's a vote for making the show a regular event.
My stepson went with me to the reception last Friday and was inspired enough to create a cover himself for Daft Punk while I worked up a Motorhead cover, imagining if it had been designed for a hair metal band. My daughter likes the shoes though. (click the band name to see the original covers.)

If you've got a re-cover you'd like to show, send it this way and I'll post it (so long as it's safe for kids etc.). - E.G.F.


  1. Here's a link to the Dark Side of the Moon entry, from the artist (moi)

    Kristine, Seattle, WA

  2. Kristine, thanks for posting the link. I just loved the cover.
