A premier screening of WVIA’s WaterWise-Part 2 will be held Monday, Jan. 13, at 6:30 pm in Centennial Hall, room 170. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with guests Mark Stephens, P.G., from the PA DEP’s Safe Drinking Water program, Bryan Swistock, Water Resources Coordinator with the Penn State Extension, and Jen Whisner, hydrogeologist in BU's department of environmental, geological and geographical sciences.
WaterWise highlights success stories from grass-roots organizations working to clean up pollution in Central PA watersheds. The panel discussion will focus on strategies we can use in our area to improve and maintain drinking water quality. The program is sponsored by the Columbia-Montour Coalition for Source Water Protection, the Columbia County Conservation District, WVIA, and BU's department of environmental, geographical, and geological sciences.
WaterWise highlights success stories from grass-roots organizations working to clean up pollution in Central PA watersheds. The panel discussion will focus on strategies we can use in our area to improve and maintain drinking water quality. The program is sponsored by the Columbia-Montour Coalition for Source Water Protection, the Columbia County Conservation District, WVIA, and BU's department of environmental, geographical, and geological sciences.